Perspective national projects
In the long term, the Company plans to:
- Implementation of social state programs aimed at providing social housing for the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as other National projects from the State Budget funds.
- Participation in the State programs aimed at development of engineering infrastructure in regional centers and in cities of republican significance for the purpose of complex and uniform development defined by the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050". Development of engineering infrastructure includes identification of needs, development of feasibility studies, design and construction of "ringing" of main engineering networks, creation of reserve sources of heat, water, power supply, etc.
To ensure quality and coordination, the Company plans to act as a Single Operator for the development and implementation of the program to synchronize the needs of the housing and utility sector.
Expected results and terms of the project implementation will be determined in accordance with the terms of the State Programs under the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.