As you know, a second competition was announced for the design and construction of 62 comfortable schools. Applications started on June 9th and will end on June 19th. When the results are announced, can the participants of the previous competition re-apply? What are the most common mistakes potential suppliers make? Let's take a look at this material.


As already noted, the competition was announced on June 9. Applications from potential suppliers will be accepted within 10 calendar days from the date of the announcement. The competition commission will consider applications within 15 working days and publish protocols of preliminary admission. These protocols will reflect all comments and deviations on the requirements of the tender documentation. Participants can eliminate them within 2 working days from the date of publication of the protocols. After the comments are eliminated, the applications will be reviewed again within 5 working days, after which the admission protocol will be published on the procurement web portal. The protocol is formed automatically at the same moment and signed by the members of the tender commission.



There is a restriction for developers. Each construction company in the future will be able to win the tender for no more than 20 lots. This means that large companies will not be able to build more than 20 schools out of 401 planned as part of the Comfortable School national project.



Potential contractors who participated in the previous call may re-apply.

According to the results of the previous competition, the developers of 118 comfortable schools were determined. 110 contracts were signed with them. 52 lots were declared invalid, 15 more were cancelled.



Competitive applications are accepted only in electronic format. All documentation must be uploaded to the procurement portal ( Documentation on paper is not accepted.

The fact is that the Government Decree on the launch of the Comfortable School national project was adopted in November 2022. At that time, SK Construction did not have its own procurement portal, so they initially decided to accept applications on paper. Subsequently, the portal was developed, launched, and applications began to be accepted only in electronic format, completely abandoning the use of paper



Previously, potential suppliers have reported failures in the procurement portal. They could not upload the tender documentation to the site. The analysis showed that download problems were mainly due to the very large amount of documentation being downloaded. To date, the portal has been improved, all the shortcomings have been fixed, so there should be no problems, - said SK Construction.



 Here are the most common mistakes construction companies made when applying for participation in the competition:

 1.       Incorrectly issued bank guarantee

Bank guarantee documents must be properly executed and uploaded to the portal. It is necessary to pay attention to the name and number of the competition, as well as the name and number of the lot. If a potential supplier has not issued a bank guarantee properly, there will be no opportunity to eliminate the comments. This supplier is rejected and cannot take further part in the competition

2.       Documents on material and labor resources

 A potential supplier must document that he has qualified specialists and special equipment. However, most companies failed to provide orders for employees, or these orders were issued incorrectly. Also, most of the participants did not provide passports for special equipment, and there were no contracts for renting equipment.

*Photo from open sources

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