Teachers familiarised themselves with the implementation of the Comfortable School national project
Maulen Aimanbetov made a report at the annual republican August meeting of education workers "Fair Kazakhstan: fair generation, quality education, successful nation" in Astana. At the event, the Chairman of the Board spoke in detail about the implementation of the pilot national project "Comfortable School".
In his speech he noted that during the first stage of the project implementation the first 208 comfortable schools will be put into operation by the end of 2024. It is planned that 86 of them (39 schools for 300 pupils and 47 schools for 600 seats) will open their doors by 1 September next year. The remaining 122 comfortable schools with a capacity of 900 to 2,500 seats will be completed by the end of 2024.
Aimanbetov noted that the schools may be built earlier than the approved dates. The exact information directly depends on receiving a positive conclusion of the state expert appraisal and approval of the schedule of production works.
"To date, contractors for 194 schools have been identified. Of these, EPC contracts have been concluded for 182 objects, for 12 schools appeals have been filed on the results of tender procedures, which are currently being considered. Contracts will be awarded from a single source until 30 August for 4 forms of education. A new tender has been announced for 10 schools: contractors for 2 schools will be determined by 10 September, and the results of tender procedures for the remaining 8 schools will be summed up by 30 September", - informed the head of "Samruk-Kazyna Construction".
Preparatory works are underway at the construction sites. In particular, installation of fences and surveillance cameras, dismantling of existing networks, topographical and geological surveys, test piling, excavation and many other works are being carried out.
"There are those who doubt that we will not be able to build the schools on time. I would like to say that if the design and estimate documentation is of high quality, it is not difficult to construct a 2-3 storey building from a technical point of view. But if the project is of poor quality, adjustments will be made in the course of works, and the construction will be delayed. Taking this into account, we pay special attention to the design of schools. The design and estimate documentation should be complete, detailed and well thought out in all respects. I personally hold daily meetings with design specialists and constantly monitor the process," Aimanbetov said.
According to the Chairman, out of 369 schools planned under the National Project, 163 educational facilities or 44 per cent will be built in rural settlements, while 56 per cent, i.e. 206 comfortable schools will be erected in cities.
"Thus, the gap in the quality of education will be significantly reduced, as all schools are being built to the same standard and will be identical," he added.
New and modern educational institutions are expected to become a centre of attraction for children and adults. The area of comfortable schools will be 15%-20% larger than the size of ordinary secondary schools, and the technical equipment will increase fourfold. There will be more subject classrooms and gyms, unlike most general education schools. Comfortable schools will have 3-4 gyms depending on the capacity of the facilities.
Schools are going to be provided with the most modern systems of video surveillance, access control and automatic door locking in case of threats.
It should be noted that JSC "Samruk-Kazyna Construction" is a single directorate for the construction of comfortable schools within the framework of the pilot national project, which is designed to comprehensively solve the problem of school deficit and shortage of pupil places. It will also reduce the number of emergency educational institutions